Infant I & II Classrooms

Infant I & II

Babies react to noise, changes in the lighting, and the new faces around them including adults and other children around them showing us that babies are aware of the environment around them. They may not be exactly experts at communicating what they need whether its hunger or a diaper change- but they are most differently finding ways to let you know how they're feeling. Expressing how they feel shows up in sounds- sometimes very loud ones, facial and body expressions, and movements all around. Here are a few things about the classroom to ensure babies needs are being met in the best way:


  1. Group care of up to 10 children.  The ratio is 1 teacher: 5 children.
  2. Children can observe their own sleeping and eating schedule as needed, but we do our best to follow what parents have already set up at home.
  3. Children are diaper changed and/or checked hourly (unless sleeping). Fo this reason, plan on your child going through 8-9 diapers per day on average. Check your daily report for needs.
  4. We follow the Colorado Child and Adult Care Food Program Guidelines for formula, baby food, baby cereal, table food, and milk. Please speak with the classroom teacher for help and questions with meal patterns. We are also able to accommodate breastfeeding here at our facility. 
  5. Children nap on their own infant futon bed. We would encourage you to have your child sleep in their own ben/crib at home so that they are comfortable sleeping on their own here.
  6. If a child is sent home ill, they will receive an "illness report" with information.
  7. If child gets hurt and it is seen by a staff member, they will receive proper care and you will receive an "oopsie" report. As they become more active, attempt to walk, and explore their environment and their friends, they may all or be hurt by another child.
  8. These classrooms may go outside 1-2 times per day. (Weather permitting). Please be sure you are providing your child with appropriate clothing to wear outside for the weather. We also will be putting sunscreen on them.
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